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The Global (Party) Charity Trust #TheMovement launch and a Zoo Quandry

Flower lady
'Global Party'  or the Global Charity Trust have created #TheMovement.

They've been getting themselves ready to launch their 3rd massive global party that happens on the same day all over the world, in 50 different countries all on the same night in September 2014.
All taking place at some of the most luxurious hotels, bars, restaurants, art galleries and nightclubs.

Lion Flags Flanked our way into the Zoo
Essentially a philathropic night, the Global Charity Trust raised £500,000 in the first year of partying, with their sole mission to connect registered charities together and create world-wide brand awareness.

Lord Stanley Fink presided over events and educated us wine drinkers at the PR event held in London Zoo this May, here they were raising awareness and funds too to help endangered Lions, which was the big profile at the Zoo on this evening.

Lord Stanley Fink educating us on The Movement
A luxury item in a shop for example can be dedicated to 'The Movement'  and then all the proceeds from that particular item go to the fundraising. Thereby "enjoying a bit of luxury and giving something back" says Fink, allowing us to indulge guilt free into more of the free pink wine at this Press Launch and donate by text to the cause of the Lions.

The many other charities covered by the money raised by the Global Party cover areas such as health, education, children, enviromental issues, arts and animal welfare.

Being at the Zoo, I had my reservations on attending, I'm not a big fan of animals in captivity. But I should disclose that I have written for the TES on the rainforest exhibit, which I loved- more because the animals are free to roam around somewhat.But have considered my stance since.

This article by Laura Smith at the Slate helps to explain why I'm in a quandry and why I think we need to rethink Zoo's and other places of animal entertaiment such as Dolphin and Orca/Killer Whale shows need to be re-thought a more innovative way- I say this as having once been a resident of Miami, Florida US, and seeing the difference of Dolphins and Manatee in the wild.

My +1 had no such reservations, and we have had many a good discussion, she felt that Zoo's were important places to connect people with animals they might never see, and that it raises awareness on conservation, she even went as far as to say she thought it might inspire a child to get involved with saving the wild. Which was a slogan I took from the night 'Saving Wildlife Forever'.

Talking to development director at London Zoo, James Wren, it did seem that they were able to get some good expertise on the ground and have already had good interaction with receptive governments of countries like Kenya. They develop strategic plans to protect species such as Rhino's, working with the Massi Mara.
Consisting of encouraging smart systematic ways to monitor areas with the local rangers, and to do regular snare sweeps.
As for the Lions, the ZSL are working with 20 rangers in India, Gujerat training them to protect the Lions whilst also developing a breeding facility.
As my family are Gujerati's that hail from Kenya I felt this was somewhat a wonderful coinsidence- that these animals may originate to where my family did, and how great it was that these people who work in a Zoo with captive animals, were using their skills and know how to assist those to help thrive in the wild.
But I can't help thinking that Wren and his team would still be able to contribute value and help those in the wild without any of the Lions, Tigers, Polar Bears and Giraffe to name but a few kept in the middle of a city with enclosures that are much too small for them.

 What do you think? Please let me know and add your comments below.

Getting back under the canopy of philanthropic fundraising, many charities benefit from the monies raised, so in essence its a great night. Besides this was just the Press Launch night at the Zoo, not the big parties that take place in September. Just remember it's an invite only VIP night, at luxury venues and hotels.
You can sign up as an individual or as a business here and join the movement, make a donation and then go party anywhere in the world! where there's #THEMOVEMENT of course!!


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